
Tolong!! aku tak ingat jadual berkala!

pening kepala nak hafal jadual berkala? 
hahah, meh sini tengok kes budak terlebih hafal jadual berkala :P

*last bace jadual berkala mase kat matrik. sem depan insyaAllah hadap balik.. ngaaa

20 Response to Tolong!! aku tak ingat jadual berkala!

  1. Cik Pulau says:

    jadual berkala tak pernah pn igt semua..

  2. Unknown says:

    lepas spm terus lupa dah.... kat matrik dulu pun usha2 kawan punya je....sekarang tak tengok lagi dah....rindu kat kimia

  3. CikPulau @ahmad haziq :
    along pon ingat ikot lagu ape tah dulu.. skang lupe abes.. agagagag

  4. Unknown says:

    aku dah tak ingat periodic table.haha

  5. Unknown says:

    dulu waktu spm siap menyanyi lagi nak hafal punya pasal

  6. last mase spm.. time chemist,.. uhhuhuhuhhu......

  7. SYAF says:

    singgah disini sebentar..

  8. Very interesting... I really like it... Thank you so much...

  9. Firdaus® says:

    ayooo memang susah nak ingat jadual berkala tu~~huk33~~nice entry siap ada kartun..

    do follow my blog ye~

  10. kunjungan hangat.. kunjung balik ya. jangan lupa follownya.. :D

  11. Ammar says:

    Jadual berkala tu apa? Heeee

  12. Unknown says:

    periodic table!

    susah susah!

  13. Elly Jade says:

    haha,jadual berkala mmg xpenah akk ingt.hehe

  14. juling mata, tergeliat lidah bacanya... hukhukhuk

  15. Unknown says:

    hak3x... memg sush nak ngapal...
    ingat sesetgh grup jek

  16. "That's important to us birders because we know that dogs won't be off leash at all and we can go there to see the ground-dwelling birds," Christian Cooper said. "People spend a lot of money and time planting in those areas as well. Nothing grows in a dog run for a reason."

  17. "He was running in an open field. This man, he was bird-watching. He came out of the bush," she said, adding that Christian Cooper was screaming at her.

  18. Christian Cooper said the dog was "tearing through the plantings," and he told Amy Cooper the dog needed to be on a leash. He said he was not screaming at Amy Cooper, and "was actually pretty calm."

  19. The two went back-and-forth about the dog leash. Christian Cooper, according to his Facebook post, then told her: "Look, if you're going to do what you want, I'm going to do what I want, but you're not going to like it."

  20. he keeps dog treats with him to get dog owners to put their dogs on leashes because, in his experience, dog owners hate when a stranger feeds their dog treats and immediately restrain their dogs afterward.

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