Percayalah, gambar ni bukan hasil photoshop!
aku dah tengok,
aku dah selidik,
aku dah kagum,
aku dah pilih,
aku dah post,
aku dah share..
so.. slamat menyelidik kesahihan gambar2 nih!
smart idea of shadowplay!
seriously not copypasted!
trase cam tengok ilusi optik plak..
cmane bulatan cahaya tu muncul aku pon taktau..
yang ni memang buat aku blur..???
nicely coordinated! bukan burst mode captured ok!
in emergency cases.. atas highway pon boleh landing..
I have no idea how those stuffs float!
chak!! =P
even the jacjet is nicely lined up!
ok..great perspective illusion job overther!..
ni bukan cgi ye kawan2.. ni betol-betol..
tu dia! gelombang letupan yg terlihat pd permukaan laut tuh!!...
the person incharge of building this arch is AWESOME!!..
whoooaaaaaa... speechless!!..
is it paintings?? or what??..
nuttin more to say.. it's just eyecatching!..
nak lagi?? meh sini
HAHAH . memang percaya . Aq memang pengguna photoshop .
rasenye ni mmg tak menipu .
Jom Baca