Fuhhh.... lega...
riuh jap dunie fesbuking bile ada berite katekan yg Mark Zuckerberg nak tutup Facebook..
“Facebook has gotten out of control,” said Zuckerberg in a press conference outside his Palo Alto office, “and the stress of managing this company has ruined my life. I need to put an end to all the madness.”
“I don’t care about the money,” said Zuckerberg. “I just want my old life back.”
dan.. baru-baru ni ade pulak berite yg membidas segala artikel2 hoax tu semue..
rupe- rupenye.. berite tu semua palsu.. mcm yg jadi kat yahoo..hotmail..msn...
mangsa kejadian serupa
kalo tak pecaye sile gugel..rupenye bende ni dah byk kali jadi... kate akan tutup lah tu la ni la..
tapi smpai skarg.. yahoo.. msn.. myspace.. sume tu elok je wujud smpai skarg..
sumber menafikataan yang Facebook akan ditutup
sumber lain
"The networking site, however, denied the news and even hinted that it plans to expand rather than shut down its operations. "
"We aren't going anywhere; we're just getting started," it said.
“I don’t care about the money,” said Zuckerberg. “I just want my old life back.”
er.. ayat ujung tu laen mcam jer kan?..
bukan ke Mark Zukerberg naik pon sebab Facebook?
dan.. baru-baru ni ade pulak berite yg membidas segala artikel2 hoax tu semue..
rupe- rupenye.. berite tu semua palsu.. mcm yg jadi kat yahoo..hotmail..msn...
mangsa kejadian serupa
kalo tak pecaye sile gugel..rupenye bende ni dah byk kali jadi... kate akan tutup lah tu la ni la..
tapi smpai skarg.. yahoo.. msn.. myspace.. sume tu elok je wujud smpai skarg..
sumber menafikataan yang Facebook akan ditutup
sumber lain
"The networking site, however, denied the news and even hinted that it plans to expand rather than shut down its operations. "
"We aren't going anywhere; we're just getting started," it said.
andai kate la facebook tutup.. agak-agak korg la..
ape korg nak buat? balik pakai frenster? myspace?..hm..
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