Berita yang disalah fahamkan : Google akan tutup akaun blogger pada 25 Jun

Aiseh men.. weh.. aku pakai akaun YahooMail la..cane ni?.. 
nak kene buat akaun google baru la pulak.. 
pergh.. pening nak urus banyak2 emel kang nih... uwaaaaaa...... 

ini mesti apa yang korang blogger2 sekalian fikirkan bila merujuk kepada 
notis pemberitahuan berkenaan akaun blogger yang akan ditutup 
pada 25 Jun kalau tak tukar pakai akaun Google Mail..

tapi jangan risau..hakikatnya.. semua tu cumalah salah faham yang mungkin tidak disengajakan.. oleh yang demikian.. marilah kita sama2 perbetulkan berita tersebut ya.. 
harap tak  ada yang jadi serabut alam atas desas desus yang mengelirukan.. 

Posted by Brett Wiltshire, Product Operations
(This message only applies to a tiny fraction of users who haven’t logged in to Blogger since 2007. If you’ve logged in to Blogger at least one time since 2007, you won’t be affected and can disregard this message.)
There was a time early on in Blogger’s life where we had our own, custom account system for handling login authentication. Starting in 2006 all new Blogger accounts were created using the official Google accounts system, and then in 2007 we started the process of moving all of our legacy users over to the Google accounts system. Now, four years later, we’re finally at the home stretch of the transition. For a number of technical and operational reasons, we’ve decided to finally end our support for migrating legacy accounts and blogs after June 25th, 2011. So if you have a Blogger account and haven’t logged in since 2007, you will lose access to the account and associated content permanently unless you update to the Google Account system before June 25th.
Updating to the new account system is easy and should take just a few minutes. We really do value all of the content that has been created on Blogger and we hope that as many people as possible will reclaim their blogs. If you’ve been avoiding this task for a while, we encourage you to head over to the Legacy migration page and update your account.
We’ll be sending a similar notice later this week via email to all of the email addresses associated with the legacy accounts we have in our database. In a few weeks we’ll also make another announcement here on Buzz, with more specific updates on the transition.
If you have any other questions about this process, please let us know by posting your issue in the Login section of our Help Forum.

korang tak faham? pergi salin pastu translet kat googel translate, hahah..
macam ni.. memang betul Google akan padam akaun korang 
TAPI HANYA DAN HANYA JIKA korang tak pernah log in akaun korang sejak 2007
maknanya, korang yang masih aktif dengan akaun blogspot korang menggunakan 
akaun emel yang lain ni selamat lah.. okey?..
faham?.. dah2.. jom maklumkan kat kengkawan yang lain.. 
nanti pening diorang nak hafal password dengan nama emel yang baru..

*disedarkan daripada entri ini : manipulasi fakta akaun google
*along pon dah lupe nama emel google along.. nasib baik kaklong ade simpan kat googletalk.. ngee..


  1. hihihi..semangat apal password baru..:D

  2. haha.. lega.. ingatkan ape tadi..

  3. Miss Ran :

    skarang ni susah dah nak percaya berita2 yang mencurigakan.. =)

  4. sye pn daa tertukar acct~~syg giler r..sbb maklumat dri sowg blogger nie~~xpuas hati sy pi selidik dekat blogger buzz n link2 yg lain ternyata diaowg yang salah faham~~~~klo xtahu nak terangkan xmau laaa terangkan....sushkan blogger lain macam sy nie...apelahai nasib...syg gile dengan acct google yang lama...T___T....

  5. sye pn daa tertukar acct~~syg giler r..sbb maklumat dri sowg blogger nie~~xpuas hati sy pi selidik dekat blogger buzz n link2 yg lain ternyata diaowg yang salah faham~~~~klo xtahu nak terangkan xmau laaa terangkan....sushkan blogger lain macam sy nie...apelahai nasib...syg gile dengan acct google yang lama...T___T....

  6. black butterfly :

    errkk.. tak dapat gune balik ke akaun lame?.. adeh.. naya nih.. =.=

  7. tu lah..kat updates list sibuk blogger2 wat entri psl ni..huuu~..naseb tak tuka lagikk..:O

  8. same gak issue fb akan ok jer sampai skang... so, jgn mudah percaye sgt pade kabor angin yg lom pasti... hahahahahahaha

    ps : JM relaks jer.... akakakakakak [kerek]
